In Remembrance: A Poem
In remembrance of the hundred anniversary of the War to End All Wars I wrote this poem from the perspective of those who fought and gave their lives for our freedom.
Children, a hundred years ago,
as man-made thunder raged above us,
(and never ceased, and never stilled),
we gave ourselves piece by piece
for your Peace.
We fought
through weariness and cold,
we struggled
through pain and fear,
we gave up our lives
for you future.
Today, as the Bells of Peace
ring our memory
through the world,
we, the honoured dead,
remember you…
We see you, children,
battling the challenges Life brings.
Some of you are heart-bruised,
maimed by losses.
Take, with our love,
the pieces of Life
we gave for your freedom.
Take the silver dawn of a new day,
and the golden light of sunset,
and, in-between,
breathe, listen,
love, give thanks.
Take these pieces of our lives
and find healing.
Take these pieces of our lives
and weave them
into blessing, into Peace,
in Remembrance.
©Jessica Coupé, all rights reserved