New Release: Gems from the Gentleman Saint

Over 400 years ago Francis de Sales published his Introduction to the Devout Life.  Francis was the Bishop of Geneva and is now a  Catholic Saint.  He was known for his gentleness, patience and wisdom. 

In my new release, Gems from the Gentleman Saint, you will find  one hundred quotes gathered from his writings.

Here are a few...

I saw the bees, the other day, staying quietly in their hives, because the air was foggy: they went out now and then to see how the weather was getting on, but they did not hasten out, occupying themselves with feeding on their honey.

Do as little children do, who with one hand cling to their father, and with the other gather blackberries along the hedges.

Continue to unite yourself more and more with our Lord. Plunge your heart into the charity of his.

Remain always in peace in the arms of our Saviour, who loves you so dearly, and whose sole love ought to serve us as a general rendezvous for all our consolations. This holy love, my child, in which ours is founded, enrooted, increased, and nourished, will be eternally perfect and enduring.

You must choose: is it better that there should be thorns in your garden in order to have roses, or that there should be no roses in order to have no thorns?

If you would like to know more check out Gems from the Gentleman Saint,



In Remembrance: A Poem


Damaris of Athens: A Poem of Hope