Educator Resources
Read Online
Epic: Digital Library for Kids: The Netflix of kids books for kids 5-12. It provides 40,000+ books from 250+ publishers. The have a free basic plan that allows people to read a book a day. They also have monthly and annual plan available.
Find Books
Bookfinder: Quickly search 100,000 bookstores worldwide to find the best price for that rare book!
Worldcat.org: Search 2 billion items in libraries worldwide.
Author Interviews
Reading Rockets: Video interviews with children’s authors.
Nonfiction Teaching Resources
Melissa Stewart Website: Melissa’s site includes teaching aids, videos, scripts, activity pages and timelines related to teaching nonfiction in the classroom.
Image Resources
British Library: Images from old books and other resources in the public domain.
Library of Congress Free to Use Images: Comprises millions of items from books, newspapers, photos, etc., free to use.
OpenVerse: Formerly, CreativeCommons, OpenVerse is a search engine of over 600 million free to reuse.
Pixabay: 2.6 million photos free to use.
Unsplash: Similar to Pixabay, more free photos.
Wikipedia List of Public Domain Images: Lots more sites listed here.